Appium Configuration with Visual studio for selenium C# development
Prerequisites: 1. Visual Studio Ultimate (2010 or above) (Because MSTest is present in that) 2. Android SDK For Windows (Download Link) (Website link) 3. Appium For Windows (Website Link) (Download Link) 4. A Real Android Device running Android 4.2 or Above 5. A USB Cable to attach your Android Phone to Your PC. 6. ADB Interface Drivers for your device (Link on how to get that ) (very important Step) Some Configurations for Android SDK and Appium: • When you have installed Android SDK, go to My Computer, right click, click Properties, click Advanced System Settings, and click Environment Variables. • Create a new User Variable with the name “ANDROID_HOME”. Give path to your sdk folder in the value. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk • Edit the PATH variable in “System Variable” Section. Append the path to your tools folder and platform-tools folder. Separated with “;” The paths are C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools C:\Program Files (x...